
Welcome to the Stewardship Department of Murray Barracks Seventh-day Adventist Church!

As followers of Christ and members of the Adventist faith, we believe in the biblical principle of stewardship. Stewardship is about recognizing that everything we have - our time, talents, and resources - is a gift from God, and using these gifts responsibly to further His kingdom and meet the needs of those around us. This includes the faithful giving of tithes and offerings, as a way of expressing gratitude for all that God has given us and supporting the work of His church.

At Murray Barracks SDA Church, we are committed to fostering a culture of stewardship that empowers every member to use their gifts for God's glory. Whether it's through volunteering, giving, or simply sharing God's love with those in need, we believe that each of us has a unique role to play in building a better world.

We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether you're already a member of our church or simply interested in learning more about what stewardship means, we welcome you to become a part of our stewardship department. Through regular meetings, educational events, and service projects, we'll provide you with the tools and resources you need to grow in your faith and make a positive impact in your community.

So come, be a part of something bigger than yourself. Join the Stewardship Department of Murray Barracks SDA Church, and experience the joy of using your gifts for God's glory, including your tithes and offerings.

Together, we can make a difference!